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League of Women Voters Wichita-Metro
PO Box 2411
Wichita, KS 67201
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APOLOGIES! We are in the process of changing how members sign up. We are changing from a local sign up to signing up on the League of Women Voters of the United States. Unfortunately, LWVUS have not worked out the bugs. In the meantime, you may join us using the DONATE button. Membership is now $75 per individual or pay what you can. $20 is the lowest we can accept for membership. Of coarse, you may donate more. If you have questions, or want to make sure your membership was accepted, contact Sorry for the inconvenience.

HomeRegister to Vote

Register to Vote

A step-by-step walkthrough of checking registration, and then registering to vote.

Voter registration closes 21 days before any election, so it’s best to get registered as soon as you become eligible and then maintain your registration all year long. Your voter registration must be updated if you change your name, address or affiliation with a political party. These steps can be used for updating your registration as well as registering for the first time.

To register to vote in Kansas, you must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen and a resident of the state of Kansas.
  • Have reached the age of 18 years before the next election.
  • Have received final discharge from imprisonment, parole, or conditional release if convicted of a felony.
  • Have abandoned your former residence and/or name.

Check Your Registration

Step 1Check here to see if you are already registered.

Step 2 – If you are not registered, you can do so one of two ways listed below.

Register To Vote

Online: Fill out the online form.

By Mail: Complete a printed registration form and return it to your county’s election office, either in person or by mail.

Voter ID Number

The ID number requirement can be met in a few ways:

  • Kansas driver’s license number
  • Your nondriver’s ID card number
  • Last four digits of your Social Security number (do not give the entire SSN)

If you do not have any of these numbers, write “none” in the box. The number is used for administrative purposes only and is never disclosed to the public.

Party Affiliation

Also note that you must choose one of four options for party affiliation. Leaving the question blank will keep the election office from processing your application.

Final Step

After you submit your voter registration form, your county election officer will mail you a notice that your application has been processed. Sometimes this includes information about your polling place. However this info can be found online after your application is processed by searching here.

Sometimes polling places change, so it’s good practice to look yours up prior to every election.