We have opportunities in many areas of service, and for all skills and abilities. You are welcome to reach out to any of our committee co-chairs if you have questions before jumping in!
Voter Services: Registering voters; organizing candidate forums
Local Observer Corp: Attend city, county or school board meetings and make a short report for our newsletter.
Membership: Invite people to join; greet attendees at meetings; mentor a new member, calling to encourage member involvement at special events.
Legislative Watch: Observe committee hearings at the legislature in an area of your interest and write a short report to the League.
Action: Write testimony on local or state issues; Write letters to the editor for the League president’s signature.
Fund Raising: Plan and organize events to raise money for our local league.
Communications: Provide assistance for website and social media; assist with graphic design, writing or proofreading our monthly newsletter
Tuesday Topics: Write speaker reports; write speaker thank you; introduce speakers; suggest speakers