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Date: 6/7/2024
Subject: THE VOTER June 2024 LWV Wichita-Metro
From: LWVWichita Communications

We’ve had a bit of a breather in May, but the election season is kicking into high gear now. Nancy had the pleasure of joining Barbara Bell to talk with JROTC classes at East Heights High School about the history of voting rights and why voting matters. Both Jessica and Nancy have been working with the Tuesday Topics crew and their library co-sponsors to develop the Fall schedule, which looks like it will be a great series of programs.

We had our May Unit meeting a week early to compensate for Memorial Day. We were few in number, but mighty of spirit and pen, generating a one-inch-thick stack of postcards to the various legislators at all levels of government. Many thanks to Andrea Anglin and her husband for the yummy snacks, and to everyone who attended for the lively conversation. If you weren’t there, you missed a delightful evening.

Our Unit meeting in June is, as usual, an all-member meeting, but this month will be largely a business meeting. We have a budget, a slate of offices, a completed study, and a proposed study to vote on. And there will be snacks and the usual chances for socializing.

We’ll miss you if you’re not there!
See you soon.

Jessica Maldonado and Nancy Brown, Co-Presidents


Click on the link below to access the League of Women Voters of Wichita Metro's event calendar where you may find all the scheduled events in one convenient location. Be sure to bookmark it for easy reference. We make every effort to promptly update the calendar whenever a new event is scheduled. Click on the event and you will see all the additional information about the upcoming event, including location, times, and how to sign up to volunteer. No login is required to view the calendar on our website.


Our apologies to our members, the bylaw changes were not included with the previous document. The document below has been updated. Please download and review. 


The League of Women Voters Wichita Metro will host our annual meeting on Monday June 24th, 2024 at 6:15 pm at the Advanced Learning Library. The voting portion of the meeting is for members only. All current members are invited and encouraged to attend.

Meeting Details
What: LWV-Wichita Metro Annual Meeting
When: Monday, June 24, 2024 *Doors open at 6 p.m.
Where: Advance Learning Library Conference rooms
711 W. 2nd St North
Who: All active LWV-Wichita Metro members; membership dues must be current

6:45 p.m. Doors open to friends, potential members, and the public
Membership mixer
Light refreshments

At our annual meeting we will be voting for new board members, approving the budget, reviewing our official League position changes, and selecting priority issues for the board for the next year. In order to be prepared to vote on these items, please review the 2024 Annual Meeting document linked below.


Urgent - Volunteers are needed
Juneteeth ICT
Saturday June 15, 2024

Juneteenth ICT is a weekend of events taking place at the historic McAdams Park. We will have a booth there on Saturday, June 15, from 11 AM to 4 PM offering voter education, tools for registration, and information about the League of Women Voters. We will email you the booth location as soon as we receive it.
Signup here:

Voter Services Committee Meeting

June 18, 2024
5:30 pm
Virtual Meeting by Zoom
All members are welcome to join the Voter Services committee meeting and stay on top of all the upcoming activities. As it is an election year, we will be getting very, very busy with requests.
A few days before the meeting, all members will receive an email with a Zoom link. For questions, send an email to

Volunteers needed - tabling opportunity
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Century II - 225 W Douglas, WIchita KS
10am - 4pm

Join us in supporting our LGBTQIA+ neighbors at this year's Pride Festival on June 29. We'll have an indoor booth from 11 to 4:30, offering voter registration resources, voter education, and information about the League to this highly under-represented population, as well as their friends and families.

Plus, you'll be able to see what's at all the other booths, which is a big part of the fun in working major events, after all.

Tabling, set-up, and tear-down will be broken out into three shifts, so nobody will lose their whole day.


Next Naturalization Ceremony
Friday July 19

Come help new citizens become registered voters. We would love for you to join us for the next ceremony.
Sign up here:
Volunteers are requested to arrive at 10:30 am for set up prior to the ceremony.

Welcome to our newest member Rosemary Talab.


Our LWV Wichita-Metro membership year is from July 1 to June 30. So it is almost time to renew. Renewal reminders have gone out for the July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025 dues year.

We hope you log on to our website to renew and update your interests. Please check your profile to be sure your contact information is all up to date.


If you are logged on you can view our membership directory and other League documents.

Toward the end of the renewal process, if you don't want to pay by credit card look for the option of paying later by check. Mail the check to our treasurer at P.O. Box 2411, Wichita, KS 67201.

Our newest members who joined after January 31st, 2024 will not get a renewal reminder this spring as their membership will go through June 30, 2025, a few bonus months for new members.


Your dues ($65 annually for an individual membership) support the work of our local LWV Wichita-Metro ($13), LWV Kansas ($20) and LWVUS ($32). We work, study, and advocate at all 3 levels so we and other citizens can be informed voters! We have a Sustaining Membership at $100 annually which permits our League to support the membership of some of us who have volunteer time. Student memberships are free and household memberships are $97.50.

If you would like to donate to the League for our General Fund or our fund for delegates to the 2024 LWVUS convention in Washington DC through our website, click on the donate button on our website and you will see two buttons. Click on your choice and then notice the invitation to log on to our membership utility. Log on and then follow the steps.
Thank you to all of our members for helping support the work of the League.

Elaine Harvey and Andrea Anglin
Membership Co-chairpersons


We need your support to send our delegates to LWVUS Convention in Washington DC.


Our LWVUS Convention will take place June 27-June 30. This is a hybrid event and will take place in Washington, DC and online.  Based on our membership count we have 3 voting delegates. More information will be coming soon with the costs for attending in-person or by Zoom. Our League budgets for our voting delegate's registration fees but we do not budget for travel expenses or room. 

To assist our potential voting delegates with their traveling expenses, our League is establishing a fund for that purpose. If you would like to make a contribution toward travel and/or housing costs for our 2024 LWVUS Convention voting delegates, you may write a check to our treasurer with "convention" in the memo line. Mail your checks to:

Treasurer, LWV Wichita-Metro 
P.O. Box 2411
Wichita, KS  67201


You can also make a donation directly from our website. Click the button below to donate to the LWVUS 2024 Convention Travel effort to support sending our local voices to be heard at the national league!

**If you have experience with fundraising efforts like this one, we are looking for members to help expand our fundraising efforts in 2024. Share your expertise and time by volunteering with the League! Contact if you are interested to learn more about available opportunities

Check us out on Instagram.
Check our Events page here.
Keep current on developments through our Facebook.
Find out more about what the League of Women Voters of Kansas is doing.
We welcome your feedback! Please contact the editor.
Our previous issues of our newsletter are here.

Our new phone number is (316) 835-0001