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Date: 4/5/2024
Subject: THE VOTER April 2024 LWV Wichita-Metro
From: LWVWichita Communications

Dear League of Women Voters Wichita-Metro Members,


“As citizens of the world, we must protect our planet from the physical, economic, and public health effects of climate change while also providing pathways to economic prosperity.”

The League of Women Voters has been at the forefront of the environmental protection movement for decades, consistently supporting legislation to preserve our nation’s natural resources and protect our public health. 

This April, as we commemorate Earth Day, it is imperative that we reflect on the critical role each of us plays in protecting our environment. Our planet sustains us in countless ways, and it’s our responsibility to ensure its preservation. This responsibility extends beyond mere acknowledgment; it requires active participation and engagement in the democratic process.

As the League of Women Voters, we understand that protecting our planet goes hand in hand with exercising our rights as citizens. By volunteering our time, raising awareness, and advocating for meaningful change, we can amplify our voices and drive progress towards a more sustainable future. Through our advocacy and engagement, we can hold our elected officials accountable and demand policies that prioritize environmental protection and sustainability.

As members of the League of Women Voters Wichita-Metro, let us seize this opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to environmental stewardship and democracy!. We will have a table at Earth Day United a community Earth Day event on April 20th, from 1 PM - 4 PM at Unity of Wichita, located on the SE corner of 21st and Oliver, Wichita, KS.

No rest for our dedicated members, as March was full of buzz! 

Here are some highlights:

-We have new Suffragist business cards with QR codes on the back where people can register to vote or check their voting status. You can send us an email or message on Facebook, and we will make sure you have a stack of these colorful cards to hand out at all your meetings and events.

-Medicaid Action Postcard Campaign with the Badass Women of Wichita Alliance, Alliance for a Healthy Kansas, and Women for Kansas was a huge success! Thank you all who made the trip to Topeka.

-Flat Tax in Kansas - Tuesday Topics panel discussion with the pros and cons of a flat tax

-Reproductive Rights in Kansas was the focus at our unit meeting. We learned a lot from our guest speakers from Planned Parenthood and Alliance for a Healthy Kansas, and will continue to educate others. 

-Kansas’ Presidential Preference Primary was only the 3rd one Kansas has ever seen, with the other two occurring in 1980 - 1992. Thank you for voting, and those who worked the polls! It was my first time, and what a long, but exciting experience! Encourage your friends and family to be part of the civic process. APPLY RIGHT NOW 

 Both Co-Presidents participated in the Election Post-Audit. 

- Restore My Vote Community Meeting - We tabled and educated ourselves further on the lack of access and information to the tens of thousands of Kansans with past felonies who are eligible to vote, but may not know it. 

-League Day at the Capitol - March 11, 2024 - There were three league members there. It was a great day with inspirational speakers.

 -Suffragist memorial at State Capitol - More information coming soon 

-National Convention in Washington D.C. June 27-30 - Our convention will be a fully hybrid experience, with both combined and unique experiences for in-person and virtual attendees. All information related to the National Convention, including registration and hotel bookings can be found here.

-LWVW-M Position on USD 259, Our local league completed a study on Wichita Board of Education Election Method.

Thank you to our dedicated Study Committee:  Leah Kasten, Co-Chair, Ernestine Krehbiel, Co-Chair, Cecilia Green, Paul Babich.

APRIL is filled with opportunities of all levels of commitment to come out and offer your talents as a League member. Don't forget to check our events calendar in this VOTER and stay tuned for updates in your emails and on our website.

Numerous presentations and tabling events by Voter Services are in the works. For more information on those opportunities, feel free to reach out to Barbara Bell at

April 11th - Naturalization Ceremony. WSU Hughes Metropolitan Complex- Lowe Auditorium

April 14th Open Streets ICT - See info below


April 20th Earth Day United 1-4 PM (Earth Day is April 22nd)

Unity of Wichita, 2160 N Oliver Wichita, KS 67208

April 22nd Unit Meeting: Public/Mental Health with Guest Speaker

   Dawn SheplerAdvanced Learning Library 6 PM 

Doors open at 5:30 PM

April 23rd Tuesday Topics - Electoral College - Pros and Cons

Advanced Learning Library 6 PM 


April 24th Voter Services - Presentation for Government AP Class

North High School 8:00 am


April 27th LWV - Kansas Council Meeting: Make Every Vote Count
Hosted this year by LWV Lawrence/Douglas County 

10AM, Bishop Seabury Academy in Lawrence.

Mark your calendars, more details to come. Registration will be about $15 

Items members will vote on at LWVK Council


Arab American Heritage Month 

National Volunteer Month 

April 14 – 20: National Volunteer Week 

April 16: DC Emancipation Day 

April 22: Earth Day

We're also on the lookout for fresh talent to join the Board. Board meetings take place on the third Saturday of each month from 9 AM to noon at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 925 N Waco, Wichita. You are always welcome to attend, observe how things work, ask questions, and be part of the conversation.

We look forward to seeing you soon at one of our many events!

Jessica Maldonaldo and Nancy Brown, Co-Presidents
 League of Women Voters of Wichita-Metro

RSVP today for Let's Talk About Bail at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 18 at Launchpad.

On Thursday, April 18th, discover how our cash bail system perpetuates a two-tiered criminal legal system, distinguishing between those who can afford their liberty and those who cannot. Gain insight into the intricacies of the bail process, its detrimental impact on our communities, and explore actionable steps towards reform.
P.S.  Want to get involved with our local organizing for the long haul? Sign up for our new volunteer orientation on Tuesday, April 9th at 6 p.m.

The latest Policy Watch dives into several key happenings in the Kansas Legislature, including recent tax cut legislation, the new House rule on transparency and ongoing efforts to improve energy efficiency in rental housing.

Among the bills being sent to the governor for her signature is HB2446, which would prohibit Kansas communities/counties from enacting a ban on plastic bags and other single-use plastic ware. This bill removes communities' ability to meet the needs of their cities and counties. Lawrence's ban on single-use plastic bags that went into effect on March 1 (without problems) would become inactive. Please tell the governor that you would appreciate her veto of HB2446.

Stay up-to-date! Read more about these issues and others in the weekly Policy Watch.

Are you passionate about civic engagement, community advocacy, and making a positive impact? The League of Women Voters of Wichita is looking for dedicated individuals like you to join our dynamic team on the Board of Directors!


As a crucial part of our organization, the Board of Directors plays a key role in shaping the future of the League of Women Voters. We currently have several openings on our board, and we want YOU to consider being a part of this exciting journey.


Why Join the Board of Directors?

  • Make a Difference: Contribute to the League's mission of empowering voters and defending democracy.
  • Leadership Opportunities: Develop and showcase your leadership skills while working with a passionate team.
  • Network: Build connections with like-minded individuals and community leaders.
  • Personal Growth: Enhance your knowledge of civic issues and community engagement.
  • Be a Voice: Advocate for important issues that matter to you and your community. 

How to Apply:

If you are ready to make a positive impact in Wichita, we invite you to apply for one of the open positions on our Board of Directors. To express your interest and learn more about the positions, please email As part of our conversation, we explore how your skills and interests can best be utilized for our open positions. 


Join us in our mission to empower voters and create a more informed and engaged community. Together, let's make a lasting impact on Wichita!

 Next Naturalization Ceremony
Thursday, April 11, 2024
11 am
Come help new citizens become registered voters! We would love for you to join us for the next ceremony
Volunteers are requested to arrive at 10:30 am.

ICT Streets
Open Streets ICT @WSU
April 14th, 2024
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Open Streets is a city-led event through a partnership with Parks & Recreation. Its mission is for Open Streets ICT to be a free community-building event bringing Wichitans of all ages and fitness levels together to promote healthy active living and social engagement. 
The League of Women Voters Wichita Metro will be present to register voters. We are looking for volunteers to join us.  If interested email
The fun will be on 17th street from Oliver to Volustia. Our exact location is yet to be assigned.

We have 4 new members. Welcome Joanne House, Ray Bosch, Twila Puritty, and Sheree Nikkel-Dixon.
LWV Wichita-Metro membership also makes you a member of LWV Kansas and LWVUS.  Traditionally, each local league received their dues at the local level. Then our LWV Wichita-Metro Treasurer has sends a portion of our dues to LWVK ($20 a year) and a portion to LWVUS ($32 a year).
A couple of years ago a decision was made to change the arrangement to grow our LWV membership and influence at all the levels. About late 2024, league members across the nation will begin paying their dues through LWVUS, then LWVUS will share a portion of their dues with the leagues, both local and at state level.   
Donations to LWV Wichita-Metro will still go to LWV Wichita-Metro, we will keep the "Donations" button on our website and you can still donate by check, just put donation in the memo line. Our 2024-2025 renewal process will go the same for us.


We need your support to send our delegates to LWVUS Convention in Washington DC.


Our LWVUS Convention will take place June 27-June 30. This is a hybrid event and will take place in Washington, DC and online.  Based on our membership count we have 3 voting delegates. More information will be coming soon with the costs for attending in-person or by Zoom. Our league budgets for our voting delegate's registration fees but we do not budget for travel expenses or room. 

To assist our potential voting delegates with their traveling expenses, our league is establishing a fund for that purpose. If you would like to make a contribution toward travel and/or housing costs for our 2024 LWVUS Convention voting delegates, you may write a check to our treasurer with "convention" in the memo line. Mail your checks to:

Treasurer, LWV WIchita-Metro 
P.O. Box 2411
Wichita, KS  67201


You can also make a donation directly from our website. Click the button below to donate to the LWVUS 2024 Convention Travel effort to support sending our local voices to be heard from the national league!

**If you have experience with fundraising efforts like this one, we are looking for members to help expand our fundraising efforts in 2024. Share your expertise and time by volunteering with the League! Contact if you are interested to learn more about available opportunities

Betty Ladwig on Good Day Kansas
For those that missed seeing Betty Ladwig on Good Day Kansas, here is the clip.

When Betty kept the Wichita chapter of the League from collapsing, she worked hand-in-hand with Mary Knecht. It was a successful joint effort! Thank you again, ladies, for all your hard work on behalf the League of Women Voters Wichita Metro.

Tuesday Topics
Electoral College: Pros and Cons
Tuesday April 23, 2024
6-7 p.m.
Advanced Learning Library
711 W. 2nd St N.  Wichita, KS
In recent years we have had two elections where the person elected to the presidency did not win the popular vote. That's because it is the electoral college, not the number of popular votes, which determines the winner.
What is the history of the electoral college? Why did our Founding Fathers chose this method to elect our president? What are the pros and cons to using this method? Is there another method that would better represent the voters of the United States?
Join us to hear Dr. Arben Russell Fox explain the electoral college process, its strengths and weaknesses, and what other options could be used to elect the most powerful position in our country.

There will be time for questions from the audience at the conclusion of the program. This is an official Advanced Learning Library event in collaboration with the League of Wichita Voters Wichita Metro and is open to the public. Bring a friend. 

Check us out on Instagram
Check our Events page here.
Keep current on developments through our Facebook
Find out more about what the League of Women Voters of Kansas is doing.
We welcome your feedback! Please contact the editor
Our previous issues of our newsletter are here.

Our new phone number is (316) 835-0001