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Date: 2/5/2024
Subject: THE VOTER February 2024 LWV Wichita-Metro
From: LWVWichita Communications

Dear Members of the League of Women Voters Wichita-Metro,
As I write this, we are finally coming out of the long cold spell, so it’s time to stop hibernating! We had our annual planning meeting to identify what we’ll be working on and promoting in the coming months. A flurry of sticky notes and colored dots, and more ideas and concerns than a unit three times our size could tackle in a decade, but we narrowed it down a little. And if you have an area of particular interest, talk to us about starting a study on it!

In February we have our annual concurrence meeting, when we learn more about what the State LWV is prioritizing, and concur or dissent as a Unit. We’ll be looking at the draft position on election administration, the result of a two-year study. The links to to the documents will be sent later on in the month with the reminder email for the meeting.

Richard Pund, one of the participants in the study, will join us to provide context and clarity, and to answer our questions. The meeting will be held via Zoom due to the unpredictability of February weather, beginning at 6:30 P.M. on February 26. Be on the lookout for the email with the meeting link. We’d like to have as many members as possible in attendance in order to assure that the consensus we present at the State convention truly represents the will of our members. As always, your vote is your voice!

We regretfully accepted the resignation of Carole Neal from her position as Co-Chair of Voter Services, but recognize that her life is calling her to different responsibilities. Fortunately, she has consented to continue to share her wealth of knowledge and experience on an ad hoc basis, and I know we will be in touch often. Thank you, Carole, for everything you have brought to this organization, both locally and at the State level.

Be sure to check out the event calendar to see where you can participate as things ramp up in this next election cycle. First up is the Presidential Preference Primary in March. For more information, see the Secretary of State's explanation of the process.

Check here for more important dates to be aware of as we move toward the November general election.
With gratitude and excitement,

Jessica Maldonado and Nancy Brown, Co-Presidents
League of Women Voters Wichita - Metro

News from LWV of Kansas

Explore Kansas' legislative updates in Policy Watch #4 and Policy Watch #5:

  • Agriculture Department budget
  • Flat tax update
  • Speed budgeting
  • Census data update
  • Consumer utility plans
  • Farm to food bank funding/legislation
Tell your legislators to stop voter suppression bills. Next week, the House and Senate committees will hear:

HB 2518: SOS can determine rules about drop boxes.
HB 2603: Citizen election oversight committee requires no knowledge of election processes.
HB 2572: Ballots delivered by others require ballots delivered to election office, photo ID and photo taken of individual.
HB 2571: All advanced ballots delivered to a drop box will be considered provisional until reviewed by election officers.
SB 365: Abolishing the three-day grace period for mailed ballots to arrive after election.

Policy Watch e-list is a collaboration of the following organizations: Kansas Rural Center, League of Women Voters of Kansas, Kansas Natural Resource Council, Kansas Farmers Union, Climate and Energy Project, Audubon of Kansas, and Friends of the Kaw, and Jayhawk Audubon Society

 Next Naturalization Ceremony

Friday, February 16, 2024
11 am

Come help new citizens become registered voters! We would love for you to join us for the next ceremony.
Sign up here:

Volunteers are requested to arrive
at 10:30 am.

The ceremony is from 11am to noon at
WSU Hughes Metropolitan Complex- Lowe Auditorium
5015 E. 29th Street North, Wichita, Kansas.

The Republican and Democratic parties previously held a caucus to nominate their favored presidential candidates in Kansas. The state legislature chose to conduct a presidential preference primary election in 2024.

On March 19, voters will select their preferred candidate for presidential nominations within their political party. The results help determine how delegates are allocated to candidates at each party’s national convention, where the final nominee is officially chosen.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Deadline to register to vote or update voter registration information to participate in the Presidential Preference Primary. Last day to apply for an advance voting by mail ballot.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024
First day of advance voting.

Monday, March 18, 2024
In-person advance voting ends at 12:00 p.m.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Presidential Preference Primary Election
(All advance ballots by mail must be received by close of polls.)

Voter Services is on a short hiatus for a well-deserved rest. Check with your family, friends, and neighbors. Are they registered to vote? Do they know their voting location? Should they ask for an advanced ballot? EVERYTHING we need to know about voting in the upcoming Presidential Primary Election can be found at


It’s never too early to help democracy! By signing up to be a poll worker, you can ensure that all voters—including voters with disabilities, voters who need language assistance, and voters who want to cast their ballot in person—have a positive experience at the polls. Sign up today!

League of Women Voters Wichita-Metro
Annual Concurrence Meeting 
Location: Virtual Via Zoom
Monday February 26, 2024
6:30 pm-8 pm
Last month Planning Meeting, was “all-member” meeting where we discussed and voted what issues we feel needed to be prioritized for the coming year.
This month, we have the Concurrence Meeting. When concurrence is taken on an issue, the Study Committee writes the position then presents it to the membership.  It can be discussed and accepted or rejected.  It cannot be changed. The final vote for acceptance comes at State Convention. Concurrence is not done all that often by the League, so come and be a part of the decision making.
Topic: Election Administration in Kansas- an updated Position statement by LWV Kansas
LWV Kansas has updated their current position on Election Administration to better advocate for voters! Come learn from Richard Pund, the LWV Kansas Position Committee Chair, about the changes  and how they arrived at the new position. You will also have the opportunity to vote whether you believe this position should be accepted or if revisions are needed. 

We will have more information from Richard before the event. He is putting together a google drive folder of all the information so everyone can dive in as deep as they want before the meeting! We can send that link in a reminder e-mail along with the zoom link closer to the time! 

PLEASE NOTE THIS MEETING WILL BE A VIRTUAL ONLY MEETING ON ZOOM. The Zoom will open at 6:15pm and the program will begin at 6:30pm. Email with information to sign up and receive the zoom link will follow later this month. 

League Day at the Capitol
Feb. 14, 2024
Unfortunately, "League Day at the Capitol" has been postponed indefinitely and maybe permanently. The LWV Kansas has not been able to secure a place to meet. 😞

We need your support to send our delegates to LWVUS Convention in Washington DC.


Our LWVUS Convention will take place June 27-June 30. This is a hybrid event and will take place in Washington, DC and online.  Based on our membership count we have 3 voting delegates. More information will be coming soon with the costs for attending in-person or by Zoom. Our league budgets for our voting delegate's registration fees but we do not budget for travel expenses or room. 

To assist our potential voting delegates with their traveling expenses, our league is establishing a fund for that purpose. If you would like to make a contribution toward travel and/or housing costs for our 2024 LWVUS Convention voting delegates, you may write a check to our treasurer with "convention" in the memo line. Mail your checks to:

Treasurer, LWV WIchita-Metro 
P.O. Box 2411
Wichita, KS  67201


You can also make a donation directly from our website. Click the button below to donate to the LWVUS 2024 Convention Travel effort to support sending our local voices to be heard from the national league!

**If you have experience with fundraising efforts like this one, we are looking for members to help expand our fundraising efforts in 2024. Share your expertise and time by volunteering with the League! Contact if you are interested to learn more about available opportunities

One Small Step
Tuesday February 27, 2024
Advanced Learning Library
711 W 2nd St N
6 pm- 7 pm
"One Small Step" is an initiative led by StoryCorps, which aims to unite individuals with diverse political viewpoints through a 50-minute guided conversation, all in an effort to mitigate political divisions within Wichita. In this month's edition of "Tuesday Topics," we will have the opportunity to gain insights from the organizers and participants of the "One Small Step" program, as they share their experiences and reflec- tions. Presented by Sarah Jane Crespo.

Tuesday Topics is a partnership event of Wichita Public Library and the League of Women Voters Wichita-Metro. The public is welcome.

Check us out on Instagram
Check our Events page here.
Keep current on developments through our Facebook
Find out more about what the League of Women Voters of Kansas is doing.
We welcome your feedback! Please contact the editor
Our previous issues of our newsletter are here.

Our new phone number is (316) 835-0001