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Date: 12/6/2023
Subject: THE VOTER December 2023 LWV Wichita-Metro
From: LWVWichita Communications

By the time you read this, we will have enjoyed our Unit meeting, session 5 in the Environmental Justice series we are co-sponsoring with the City of Wichita and the Environmental Finance Office at WSU, and will know a great deal more about water services and plans here in Wichita. Hope you were there! We missed you if you weren’t.

Due to the bustling nature of December and the fact that our regular Unit meeting falls on Christmas Day, the Board has decided to cancel the Unit meeting for this month. However, the Board will proceed with its scheduled meeting on December 16 at 9 AM, taking place at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, and you are warmly invited to attend.
If you're curious about the inner workings of our group and have an interest in joining the leadership team, Board meetings provide valuable insights into what goes on behind the scenes. There are upcoming openings on the Board, and elections will take place in May or June, making this an opportune time to start shadowing. For any inquiries or to express your interest in a specific office, please reach out to any Board members via their LWV email addresses or contact the Board collectively at with questions or to express interest in a particular office.

After a breather in December, we will be starting again on facilitating voter registration and on educating voters. We will know on December 2 whether our state will be doing a presidential preference primary. This pre-primary will be held in March, unless both parties opt out. Kansas has only used this method twice before to choose primary candidates, so we’ll have our hands full trying to explain it. To get a jump start on your own education on this type of primary, the clearest explanation can be found at

Best wishes to each of you and your families for whatever holiday you’re celebrating this season! (There are over 40 holidays from various traditions celebrated between Nov. 1 and Feb. 1).

Stay warm! We’ll see you again in January for our all membership planning meeting.

Nancy Brown and Jessica Maldonado, Co-Presidents
League of Women Voters, Wichita-Metro

 Next Naturalization Ceremony

Friday, December 8, 2023
11 am

Come help new citizens become registered voters! We would love for you to join us for the next ceremony.
Sign up here:

Volunteers are requested to arrive
at 10:30 am.

The ceremony is from 11am to noon at
WSU Hughes Metropolitan Complex- Lowe Auditorium
5015 E. 29th Street North, Wichita, Kansas.

2024 Naturalization Ceremonies
Mark your calendars today!

Friday, January 12
Friday, February 16
Thursday, March 7
Thursday, April 11
Thursday, May 16
Thursday, June 27 in Dodge City
Friday, July 19
Friday, August 16
Friday, September 20
Friday, October 18
Friday, November 15
Thursday, December 12
*All Dates are in 2024. Happy New Year!*

Introducing the Betty Ladwig Service Award
In introducing the inaugural Betty Ladwig Service Award, we aim to honor and celebrate members who have demonstrated exceptional dedication in the past year. The creation of the Betty Ladwig Service Award is our way of acknowledging and highlighting outstanding service to both the League and the community.

Betty Ladwig has been a member of the League of Women Voters for over 50 years. She joined as a young woman, in Salina, Kansas. Betty has been the Voter Service Chair, as well as having served on the LWVK Board as Secretary and numerous other positions. Betty was instrumental with her co-president Mary Knecht in saving the Wichita League when others wanted to dissolve it.

Betty was part of a trio of women who performed "Character Readings/Programs" for the Wichita League. Betty, Vivian Wasser, and Ruth Shue presented the program to other organizations around town. Betty helped at the State Fair Trust Women Booth for years as well.

Betty often opened her home to the League for meetings and events. She was very active in Membership and is a believer in phone calls to members--both long time and new--to get them to attend League events.

Betty has, over her many years as a League member, embodied all that we hope members will be—active, engaged, and passionate about empowering and educating voters. Betty is in attendance today and if she can wave so we know where she is. Please thank Betty for her service and continued support of the League.

In establishing the inaugural Betty Ladwig Service Award, our intention was to recognize and applaud members who have demonstrated exceptional commitment in the past year.
Certainly, the recent years have been notably hectic, particularly for the Voter Services team. We are delighted to announce that Carole Neal and Barbara Bell, co-chairs of the Voter Services team, are the deserving recipients of our inaugural Betty Ladwig Service Award.

Carole joined the League more than 20 years ago. She served as Treasurer for several years, Co-President of the Wichita League and Co-President of the Kansas League. She also served as a Member of the State Education Fund and on the State Foundation Board. Carole helped with scholarships and fundraising. It was during her tenure as State Co-President that she was involved with the lawsuits involving Secretary of State.

Carole was still working when she joined the Wichita League, but she jumped right in. She faithfully, attended the Unit Meetings even when they were still over the noon hour. She is married and has two children, one grandchild, and two great- grandchildren. As a proud Great-Grandmother and helper for her granddaughter, she often brought Trent to League meetings--her family came first--then League, which was also important.

For the past several years Carole has been the chair of the Voter Services committee. Voter Service is a very demanding and busy Chairmanship. In fact, next to being President, it is the most demanding Board position. Voter Services works with community partners to plan voter education events, attends naturalization ceremonies, and Carole has been instrumental in getting grants for the Wichita League, to help cover the cost of Voter Service activities.
Our next recipient of the Betty Ladwig Service award is Barbara Bell. Unfortunately, Barbara was unable to attend our event, therefore, we do not have a picture of her. Barbara Bell hasn’t been involved with the Wichita-Metro League quite as long as Carole, however, she has jumped with both feet! Barb has served on the board in addition to helping with hundreds of events over the past several years.

She became the co-chair of Voter Services with Carole and is a wonderful bridge builder—working well with partner organizations to help further the mission of the League through Voter Services. She’s planned candidate forums, trained volunteers, and worked countless volunteer education events. Barb is an example of what it means to be truly engaged in the League.

Both of these women inspire us, just like Betty inspires us. Please join us in celebrating and thanking Carole and Barb for all their hard work this year and in the years to come. Words cannot effectively convey how much we appreciate your dedication to the League.

If you wish to send a written card to any of the above League members, you may mail it to their attention at LWV Wichita-Metro, PO Box 2411, Wichita, KS 67201. You may also email with your thoughts of appreciation.

Elaine Harvey and Andrea Anglin
Membership Committee

Tues Topics Committee Members
Thank you Tuesday Topics Committee Members
Our hard working committee members, Sharon Ailslieger, Paul Babich, and Meghan Wright-Hagan pick the topics and find the right speakers for our monthly Tuesday Topics.
Our most recent presentation, Housing Disparity in Wichita was well attended. We had a wide range of individuals present including a member of the Kansas House of Representatives and individuals struggling to maintain suitable housing themselves. 
See what they have planned for us for 2024! (below) We look forward to seeing you there, Bring a friend!

ACLU of Kansas Legislative Advocacy Training
Tuesday, December 12 6:30 - 8 PM
In-Person at Wichita State University
Rhatigan Student Center - The Lucas Room
1845 Fairmount, Wichita, KS
This is a hybrid presentation. RSVP to attend in person or to receive a zoom link by return email.

Hear from Legal Fellow D.C. Hiegert and Field Director Leslie Butsch from ACLU-KS about the most pressing civil liberties issues we expect to face during the 2024 legislative session. Progeny Program Manager Desmond Bryant from Destination Innovation will address how to prepare powerful testimony that moves lawmakers.

At this training, you’ll learn how bills move through the process, how you can find information about legislation, and how to get involved in the long-term organizing work that continues beyond the legislative session.

You’re invited to an evening of encouragement and refreshment focused on our collective impact on society and leaving legacies that improve the civic culture.

This unique gathering is inspired by our friends at Citizen University who developed Civic Saturday, a civic analogue to a faith gathering. It is time to connect as citizens over music, art, history, and inspirational words to strengthen civic faith and belief in democracy.

In 2022, the Kansas Leadership Center hosted a virtual Civic Saturday in collaboration with Citizen University, the organization’s co-founder Eric Liu was also a featured guest on KLC’s podcast this year, and several staff members from both the Kansas Leadership Center and Kansas Health Foundation have attended the Civic Saturday Fellowship to learn more about their model.

Ed O’Malley will serve as emcee for the evening and Sarah Jane Crespo will deliver the “civic sermon”. Here’s what else you can expect from the evening:
- To experience the civic analog to a faith service complete with music, civic scripture, and a civic sermon.
- To feel inspired by history, art, and stories that strengthen our civic fabric.
- To connect with others about what it means to live like a citizen and how we can deepen our impact in the civic space.

- To enjoy a reception with cookies and refreshments to follow from 6-6:30 p.m.

Please register for this free event using this link to have an accurate headcount. Registrants will be entered in a drawing to win a copy of one of Eric Liu’s books!

League Day at the Capitol
Feb. 14, 2024

From League of Women Voters Kansas Voter Notes: 
We have had rousing approval from league members following our last two "League Day at the Capitol" events, so we will hold another on Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2024. The format will be similar: a morning of pertinent presentations from Kansas leaders. Lunch. Then league members can meet with their legislators, attend hearings, or the Senate session that generally starts at 2:30pm. Please plan to join us.

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Check our Events page here.
Keep current on developments through our Facebook
Find out more about what the League of Women Voters of Kansas is doing.
We welcome your feedback! Please contact the editor
Our previous issues of our newsletter are here.

Our new phone number is (316) 835-0001