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Date: 11/3/2023
Subject: THE VOTER November 2023 LWV Wichita-Metro
From: LWVWichita Communications

Wow! It's been another busy month leading up to the election. We've been involved in forums, debates, speaking engagements, tabling, and the Unit meeting – all aimed at working for the betterment of our city and democracy in general.

Just this past week, some of us attended LWV events for three or four consecutive days. These events have provided great opportunities to meet people, share our message, hear from candidates, and welcome new members along the way. The Tuesday Topics' debate watch party was a blast, and we even had some delicious snacks. If you missed it, you missed out on a good time.

Additionally, the School Board candidate forum, co-sponsored with WSU Office of Student Engagement, Loud Light, and The Wichita Beacon, was an eye-opener, shedding light on what was said and who was and wasn't in attendance.

As of now, we're just days away from the election. There's still plenty of time to talk to your family, friends, and even strangers about the importance of voting in local elections and where to find information about the candidates. And, of course, we must ensure they VOTE!

Mail-in balloting and early voting at the Election Office have already commenced. Early voting at satellite locations begins on November 2. Please join us at the Root the Power Vote Mob on Saturday, November 4, from 1 to 4 PM at the Urban League for an afternoon of activism and enjoyment at this new polling place.

No matter where or how you choose to cast your vote, remember to VOTE!!

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Nancy Brown and Jessica Maldonado, Co-Presidents
League of Women Voters, Wichita-Metro

The League of Women Voters of Wichita-Metro has a new webpage with many resources about our local upcoming elections, including links to past and upcoming mayoral and school board elections. 

Calling all dedicated members of the League of Women Voters Wichita-Metro!
We're seeking volunteers to serve on the Study Committee tasked with revising our written position on Board of Education (BOE) elections for USD 259.  Here are the key details:

Committee Formation: We aim to assemble a committee of 4-5 passionate individuals by early December. Your valuable input and expertise are crucial in reshaping our written position on this important issue.

Co-Chair Opportunity: Are you ready to take on a leadership role? Consider being a co-chair for the committee and help guide this critical study.

Study Commencement: The study will kick off in January, so you'll have the holiday season to prepare and gather your thoughts.

Time Commitment: We anticipate that the study will take just a few months, with a goal to wrap up by early April.

Zoom Meetings: Committee meetings will be conducted via Zoom, making it convenient for everyone to participate from the comfort of their own space.

Please email or call 316.259.6374 if you're interested in being part of this study committee. Thank you for your dedication to the League of Women Voters Wichita-Metro!
Thank you!
Leah Kastin, Secretary LWV W-M

November marks our conclusion to the 2023 Election Cycle. With November 7th just around the corner, now is a good time to reflect on the fantastic work of our volunteers who contributed to the success of our mission to register and educate voters throughout the year.

Our outreach has been everywhere – from High Schools and Retirement Homes to College Campuses, Naturalization Ceremonies, and Community Events. We've been out and about, ensuring our message reaches a diverse audience.

We've also had some lively discussions with candidates through Candidate Forums and have supported events organized by partner organizations, creating an engaging political atmosphere.

In our effort to get more people involved, we've sent 355 postcards to new voters who last cast their ballots in August 2022 but hadn't voted since.

But guess what? Our journey doesn't stop here. Come January, we'll kick off our plans for the 2024 National and State Elections. We're excited to build on our achievements and keep empowering voters in our community.

Keep an eye out for next month when we'll share valuable stats and insights on our accomplishments.

Our volunteers are the heart and soul of our mission. We want to celebrate YOU at our upcoming social. Did you get an invite in the mail? If not, check out the invite in this newsletter.  We look forward to seeing on November 12th.
Carole Neal and Barbara Bell
Voter Services Co-Chairs


 Next Naturalization Ceremony

Thursday, November 9, 2023
11 am

Come help new citizens become registered voters! We would love for you to join us for the next ceremony.
Sign up here:

Volunteers are requested to arrive
at 10:30 am.

The ceremony is from 11am to noon at
WSU Hughes Metropolitan Complex- Lowe Auditorium
5015 E. 29th Street North, Wichita, Kansas.

Photo by Fernando Salazar/The Wichita Beacon
Advanced Learning Library
711 W. 2nd St North
November 28, 2023
6 pm - 7 pm
The housing situation in Wichita has undergone significant changes since the 2020 pandemic, with property values and rent costs on the rise. This has had a major impact on the residents of Wichita. To discuss this issue, this program will feature Sally Stang from the City of Wichita’s Housing and Community Services Department, Donna Lehane from the Silver Haired Legislature, and Steve Minson from Kansas Legal Services. They will discuss the effects of these changes on the community and what is being done to provide affordable housing for all Wichitans.
There will be time for questions from the audience at the conclusion of the program.

Please share this information with others who are interested.

Members may still renew and have choices of payment method. Student dues and life member dues are $0 but we still want you to confirm you want to renew your membership. Individual dues are $65 a year, a sustaining membership is $100, and household membership dues for a member plus an additional household member is $97.50.

If you want to renew by check, please mail your check to:

LWV Wichita-Metro
P.O. Box 2411
Wichita, KS 67201

You can also pay your dues at If you choose this method you will see what the opportunities are to participate in the work of our LWV Wichita-Metro this year and we hope you check where you are interested and available. And, once logged in you can see our membership directory. We hope you check our League calendar for up to date information on our activities. Both our September Unit meeting and our September Tuesday Topics were highly informative and very interesting.

As a League we make a difference in protecting the right to vote in our communities, our states and our nation.

LWV Wichita-Metro Membership Committee

Check us out on Instagram
Check our Events page here.
Keep current on developments through our Facebook
Find out more about what the League of Women Voters of Kansas is doing.
We welcome your feedback! Please contact the editor
Our previous issues of our newsletter are here.

Our new phone number is (316) 835-0001