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Date: 8/4/2023
Subject: The Voter August 2023 League of Women Voters Wichita Metro
From: LWVWichita Communications

As always, the month prior to an election is always a mad house, and July was no exception! There were forums, debates, tabling opportunities, and interviews, with events we sponsored and those sponsored by others where we were invited to have a presence. Lots of opportunities to get the word out about the importance of voting in local elections. And that doesn’t even count all the friends and neighbors we talked to. My hope is that Wichita voter turnout exceeds all previous records for a local election!

We Co-Presidents joined representatives from the ACLU and Women for Kansas in meeting with Election Commissioner Laura Rainwater and senior election staffers to discuss concerns about protecting voter rights. It was a great meeting, and all parties were able to speak frankly about what is wanted and what is possible.

As a follow-up to that meeting, Women for Kansas/Wichita has submitted a public comment in support of the Election Commissioner’s requests for the 2024 budget. The Board will consider issuing a similar statement.

All members are encouraged to look at the proposed County Budget and, if your conscience so dictates, submit your own public comment form as an individual constituent.

Click here for the online public comment link. Public hearings on the budget will take place on August 23rd at 9 AM. If possible, show up and be heard!

And, of course, just because the primary will be over, that doesn't mean our work has ended. As soon as the vote counts are final, there will be more forums, debates, and tabling opportunities. That means all hands on deck! See you soon at an event happening near you.

Nancy Brown and Jessica Maldonado, Co-Presidents

Hooray! We survived our July events. Voter Services participated in:
  *Rock the Block event with Root the Power,
*Co-sponsored USD 259 School Board Candidate Forum with Women for Kansas.
*Co-sponsored the Mayoral Candidate Forum with PBS.
*Held a City Commission District 4 Candidate Forum with Root the Power in attendance.
*Welcomed 104 new citizens at the July Naturalization Ceremony.
*Co-sponsored a Mayoral Candidate Meet and Greet with AARP at Botanica,
*Tabled at Mid American All Indian Center Pow-wow.
*Tabled at SEIU for a Latino Community event.

Our volunteers also visited some retirement centers to distribute Advance Voting Applications.

August is not as busy (whew) just yet. Here is what is on our calendar as of now.

*August 1st Barbara and Carole will be at the USD 259 New Teachers Orientation.

*August 8th - Urban League of Kansas, 2418 E. 9th St. N., 4pm to 8pm Neighborhood Night Out. We need volunteers for this event and we will be using our Wheel of Fortune. Volunteer sign up is here:

*August 13th from 3pm to 5pm we are working with Root The Power Connecting - Back to School Drive to gather and distribute school supplies for students AND teachers. First Church of God in Christ 1418 North Piatt. We have purchased some school supplies to be used with the Wheel of Fortune but if anyone would like to donate supplies or funds please contact Barbara Bell. Following is link to volunteer to staff the event:

*August 24th - Thursday - Naturalization Ceremony Hughes Metroplex - We expect a large number of new citizens this time. Join us in welcoming them. Here is the link to volunteer

Carole Neal and Barbara Bell
Voter Service Co-Chairs

Voter Services have purchased some school supplies to be used with the Wheel of Fortune. If anyone would like to donate supplies or funds please contact Barbara Bell at
We love to have some volunteers to help staff the event:

Next Naturalization Ceremony
THURSDAY Aug. 24, 2023 11 am
Come help new citizens become registered voters! We would love for you to join us for the next ceremony. Sign up here:

Volunteers are requested to arrive at 10:30 am.
The ceremony is from 11am to noon at WSU Hughes Metropolitan Complex- Lowe Auditorium 5015 E. 29th Street North, Wichita, Kansas.

Welcome to our newest members, Emily Snow, Abigail McCarthy and Brande Vogele

We are very happy that we continue to welcome new members. It is now time for current members to renew!

Dues are $0 if you are a student or a 50 year member.
Dues for an individual membership are $65
Household dues for a member plus an additional household member are $97.50
Sustaining membership is $100.

Mail your check to
LWV Wichita-Metro
P.O. Box 2411
Wichita, KS 67201.

You can also pay your dues at If you are joining LWV for the first time click on "join" and follow the steps, at the end you can choose to "pay later" if you want to pay by check or by cash. Please make note of the user name and password you create in the process.

If you are renewing please do not choose "join". Instead log in with your user name and password and follow the steps. There is a password recovery option. We all were assigned user names and passwords last summer when we upgraded our website and membership management system.

If we all renew we will have more than 160 members. As a League we make a difference in protecting the right to vote in our communities, our states and our nation.

LWV Wichita-Metro Membership Committee

New Beehive Leader Orientation

Tuesday, August 8, 2023 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM CT

The Civil Liberties Beehive: it's the ACLU-KS organizing theory of change that moves community members into action. We believe, in order to make a concrete impact in our communities for voting rights and criminal legal reform, we must mobilize thousands of Kansans and invite them into the movement. The Beehive is the how. Whether you're a seasoned organizer and activist or you've never been involved before--you are welcome! Join us for orientation to learn about the Beehive and how you can be a part of expanding voting access and reimagining our justice system.

More news from the ALCU Kansas

We’ve begun a campaign to reimagine our debt-based punishment system. Make sure your prosecutor knows what you think about our two-tiered justice system that keeps people in jail when they can’t afford bail.

Email your local prosecutor to ask for reforms to cash bail:
Sedgwick County: Email District Attorney Marc Bennett

Commit to working toward bail reform with us in your county by joining the Civil Liberties Beehive orientation on Tuesday, August 8 at 6 PM.

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Check our Events page here.
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Find out more about what the League of Women Voters of Kansas is doing.
We welcome your feedback! Please contact the editor
Our previous issues of our newsletter are here.