We had a great Annual Business meeting! Congratulations to our new Co-President, Jessica Maldonado, and many thanks to our past Co-President, Martha Pint, as she moves into a different seat on the Board as Advocacy Chair. We also passed our annual budget, agreed to retire or review some outdated position statements, and approved a study and our priorities for the next year. Once the business was done, we settled in for refreshments, social time, postcard writing, and a really entertaining game of League trivia. If you were there, you know all about it. If you weren’t, you missed a great time!
Our unit meetings are on a summer pause until September, but the Board is still at work gearing up for the next fiscal year. And, with a primary election coming up in August, there are still plenty of opportunities to help at or attend events. Just take a look at the events calendar and see what looks interesting!
And, on the subject of elections, the Sedgwick County Election Office is always looking for more poll workers.
Till then, keep cool, stay safe, and make sure everyone you know is registered and well-informed. Then make sure they go vote!
See you in September, or at an event!
Nancy Brown and Jessica Maldonado, Co-Presidents