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Date: 6/6/2023
Subject: The Voter June 2023 League of Women Voters Wichita Metro
From: LWVWichita Communications

This will be my last writing of the Co-President’s message as my term will end effective June 25th. I have served as Co-President of the League of Women Voters Wichita-Metro for the last 3 years and I wish to thank each of those individuals who served as Co-President alongside me: Jennifer Heminway, Beth Schafers, and Nancy Brown.

I think back to the beginning of my Co-Presidency and as it was kicking off, so was the Covid-19 pandemic. Wow! Talk about a double-whammy! While enduring the steep learning curve associated with spearheading a membership organization, it also fell on us to transition into the virtual world of activism and advocacy. It was difficult, but we came through it. Actually, we’re still coming through it. Our membership has changed during my 3 years in office. Some of our members fell by the wayside during the days of social distancing. Whether they lost interest (or hope) in the cause, or the found other interests, or perhaps they chose to disengage from activism all together, it’s difficult to say, and while we respect their decisions, we miss them.

The work that we do, empowering voters and defending democracy, is never-ending. This is the work that, if you truly believe in it, you learn to rest, and not to quit. There will always be the next issue, the next legislative session, the next election cycle. In this work, don’t bother looking for a finish line, only for the next thing coming down the pike.

That’s what I’ll be doing! As my term as Co-President comes to an end, I’ll continue to serve on the board as Advocacy Chair, focusing on the priority issues determined by the League for this term: county elections, public health, water, mental health, and the protection of women’s rights and reproductive rights. Reading through that list, it’s easy to understand why the League’s work is never done, and we could sure use YOUR help to lighten the load!

Thank you all for allowing me to serve you these last 3 years!

Martha Pint

Rock the Native Vote
Mid-American All Indian Museum
650 N Seneca St. Wichita, KS. 
Saturday June 10, 2023 1 pm - 3 pm
Meet Kansas Representative Christina Haswood, Navajo and learn about her journey. Visit Voices & Votes and the American Indian Vote exhibits. Engage with the League of Women Voters Wichita Metro. Be part of the Landmark Celebration community craft /Dole Institute of Politics.
Find out how your vote can make a difference in your community.
***Please park at Exploration Place and walk across the Keeper Plaza and enter through the back grounds. Limited parking allowed in front of the building for those who have disabilities or are elderly. ***

All Member Social - The Monarch
579 W. Douglas, Wichita, KS.
Tuesday June 20, 2023
5:30 PM - 7 PM
Meet new people, or reconnect with those members you already know!
Join us on Tuesday, June 20 at The Monarch for a summer social from 5:30-7 p.m. 

There's a baseball game that night, so when you park, let the attendant know you're there for the Monarch and you won't be charged for parking.
The League will provide appetizers. Dinner and beverages are on your own, but the menu at The Monarch is full of fabulous dishes and drinks. We will be at the large table inside and weather permitting will have a table on the patio as well. Stop by for the entire time or just to say hi!

2023 Annual Meeting
The League of Women Voters Wichita Metro will host our annual meeting on June 26th, 2023 at 6pm at the Advanced Learning Library. This is a members-only meeting, all current members are invited and encouraged to attend.

Meeting Details
What: LWV Annual Meeting
When: June 26, 2023 at 6 pm *Doors open at 5:45 pm
Where: Advance Learning Library Conference rooms
711 W 2nd St North
Who: All active LWV members, membership dues must be current

At our annual meeting we will be voting for new board members, approving the budget, reviewing our official League positions, and selecting priority issues for the board for the next year. In order to be prepared to vote on these items, please review the 2023 Annual Meeting document linked below.

2023 Annual Meeting Program

Members unable to attend the business meeting and who wish to participate voting on the above items, please send an email to 24 hours in advance of the meeting to request a Zoom link

Following the business portion of the meeting, we will invite all the attendees to stay for a social hour and participate in a postcard writing campaign.

Next Naturalization Ceremony
Friday June 16, 2023 - 11 am | Come help new citizens become registered voters! We would love for you to join us for the next ceremony. You can sign up here:
Volunteers are requested to arrive at 10:30 am. The ceremony is from 11am to noon at WSU Hughes Metropolitan Complex- Lowe Auditorium 5015 E. 29th Street North Wichita, Kansas. 

Voices and Votes: Democracy in America 
Mid-American All Indian Museum
650 N Seneca St. Wichita, KS.      
May 13 – June 25, 2023
 The Smithsonian is in Kansas! Humanities Kansas is pleased to announce a special Kansas tour of Voices and Votes: Democracy in America, the new Smithsonian Institution traveling exhibition from Museum on Main StreetThe exhibit traces the bold American experiment of a government run by and for the people. The exhibit examines the influences that shaped the early days of American democracy and the changes that have occurred in the nearly 250 years since. More information about the project is HERE 
Voices and Votes: Democracy in America has been made possible in Kansas by Humanities Kansas.
***Please park at Exploration Place and walk across the Keeper Plaza and enter through the back grounds. Limited parking allowed in front of the building for those who have disabilities or are elderly. ***

Voices and Votes Sidewalk Civics Tour

What does American democracy look like? The Sidewalk Civics Tour explores the ways Kansans have memorialized democracy through monuments, civic architecture, and more! Take the tour on your smartphone with the Clio - Your Guide to History App or visit to explore stories of democracy in Kansas at dozens of sites. 

Welcome to our newest member, Sandra Wilson.

Our league dues year is July 1 to June 30 so renewal time is coming for our current members. Expect your renewal e-mail in June. (People who joined after February 1 this year get a few extra months, their membership continues through June 30, 2024.)

Now is a good time to log onto your member account via our website to see if your member information is up to date. There is a pathway to recover your user name and password if you need to. We have revised the interests survey to better engage members in the work of the League, please indicate your main interests.

After you log in, look to the upper right corner of the screen for your name. Click on your name and you will see “profile” on the pull down menu. This is where you can update your personal information. If you have questions about your membership, please contact one of the membership committees at

LWVWM Membership Committee

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Check our Events page here.
Keep current on developments through our Facebook Page
Find out more about what the League of Women Voters of Kansas is doing.
We welcome your feedback! Please contact the editor
Our previous issues of our newsletter are here.