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Date: 5/2/2023
Subject: Voter May 2023 League of Women Voters Wichita Metro
From: LWVWichita Communications


What a month April has been!!

First, a big thank-you to everyone, from our own membership and from the State office, who worked to put together and host the 75th Biennial Convention of The League of Women Voters of Kansas! It was our first hybrid session ever, and had surprisingly few glitches, thanks to our talented tech team. I think everyone had a good time, learned something new, and ate well. It was good to see old friends and make new ones after three years apart. Lots of work and planning, but well worth the effort.

But that wasn’t all that happened. We also had two sessions of the Building a Resilient Wichita series (co-sponsored with WSU Environmental Finance Center and the City of Wichita), a Community Listening Session on Civic Engagement (co-sponsored with The Wichita Beacon), and the Naturalization Ceremony. And that’s on top of planning meetings, the Board meeting, and the usual round of committee meetings.

Along the way we’ve gained a few new members in April. We welcome them and look forward to working with them in the weeks ahead.

As we move forward, the Nominating Committee is still contacting people to fill open spots on the Board. When you get the call, please consider serving. We are not an organization for sitting around. Membership means more than just writing a check once a year. Our whole purpose is to be active in service. We need YOU to show up, step up, and speak up!

Martha Pint and Nancy Brown, Co-Presidents

Represent! Sedgwick County Launch
Tuesday, May 16, 2023 6:30 PM -  8:30 PM CT

Shelter 1 - O.J. Watson Park, 3022 S Mclean Blvd

Our democracy is under attack--and politicians are working to erode voting rights. Join us at the campaign launch to share food, community, and hear from speakers about how we can fight for ALL Kansans to have their voice heard at the ballot box. Sign up here to join the event. Read the full press release here.


 Can we count on you to be there? Democracy needs you!

SAT. MAY 6TH 11am - 2pm
Park Villa-Riverside Park
1029 N Bitting St
Pot Luck Picnic 
Bring your own reusable tableware, cups and napkins and food to share. This is a come and go opportunity to chat with fellow local environmentalists. 

Advanced Learning Library
5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
May's meeting of the Voter Services Committee will be on Tuesday, May 16th at the Advanced Learning Library. This will be a training session on how to table, use our tablets and other tools. Plus get to know other League members. All members are welcome.

Next Naturalization Ceremony
Thursday May 18, 2023 - 11 am | Come help new citizens become registered voters! We would love for you to join us for the next ceremony. You can sign up here:
Volunteers are requested to arrive at 10:30 am. The ceremony is from 11am to noon at WSU Hughes Metropolitan Complex- Lowe Auditorium 5015 E. 29th Street North Wichita, Kansas. 

Open Streets ICT - NoMar
Sunday, May, 7th noon-4pm
21st  Street from NoMar Market to Woodland Park
This FREE neighborhood community-building event will take place along 21st Street and will host a full day of biking, physical activity, food trucks, music, dancing and more!   
The League of Women's Voters will have a table and as always, we need volunteers. Sign up here:

Voices and Votes Sidewalk Civics Tour

What does American democracy look like? The Sidewalk Civics Tour explores the ways Kansans have memorialized democracy through monuments, civic architecture, and more! Take the tour on your smartphone with the Clio - Your Guide to History App or visit to explore stories of democracy in Kansas at dozens of sites. 

Voices and Votes: Democracy in America 
Mid-American All Indian Museum         
May 13 – June 25, 2023
 The Smithsonian is in Kansas! Humanities Kansas is pleased to announce a special Kansas tour of Voices and Votes: Democracy in America, the new Smithsonian Institution traveling exhibition from Museum on Main StreetThe exhibit traces the bold American experiment of a government run by and for the people. The exhibit examines the influences that shaped the early days of American democracy and the changes that have occurred in the nearly 250 years since. More information about the project is HERE
Our local League of Women Voter's of Wichita Metro has been asked to attend an opening ceremony on May 13th. We hope to have more information soon. Stay on the look out in your email for more information. 
Voices and Votes: Democracy in America has been made possible in Kansas by Humanities Kansas.

Welcome to our newest members, Nicole Locke, Sarah Myers and Jessica Maldonado.

Our league dues year is July 1 to June 30 so renewal time is coming for our current members. Expect your renewal e-mail in June. (People who joined after February 1 this year get a few extra months, their membership continues through June 30, 2024.)

Now is a good time to log onto your member account via our website to see if your member information is up to date. There is a pathway to recover your user name and password if you need to.

After you log in, look to the upper right corner of the screen for your name. Click on your name and you will see “profile” on the pull down menu. This is where you can update your personal information If you have questions about your membership, please contact one of the membership committees at

LWVWM Membership Committee

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Check our Events page here.
Keep current on developments through our Facebook Page
Find out more about what the League of Women Voters of Kansas is doing.
We welcome your feedback! Please contact the editor
Our previous issues of our newsletter are here.