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Date: 3/6/2023
Subject: The Voter March 2023 League of Women Voters Wichita Metro
From: LWVWichita Communications

Where did February go? It’s been another busy month for us. On the 23rd, we co-sponsored the second session in the Environmental Justice series, this one on Energy Burden and a group that is studying ways to ease the inequities of burden faced by some of the lower-income neighborhoods in our community.

The Naturalization Ceremony was on the 24th and, as always, was a moving experience as we encouraged new citizens to make registering to vote one of their first acts as citizens. 

As of this writing, the Unit Concurrence meeting is still a couple days away. It will be an opportunity to get educated on the proposed State positions so we can decide if we, as a Unit, will support them. And, of course, the Board and all of the committees have met and are working busily on their projects. If you are feeling the need to DO SOMETHING, check in with the chair of the committee that most interests you to see where they can use a new perspective, an extra pair of hands, or a special skill you bring to the table. There really is something for everyone in LWV, you just need to pick what most sparks your passion.

Just a reminder – the 2023 Annual State Convention is in Wichita this year, on April 22 at the Advanced Learning Library. We have a keynote speaker, a panel discussion, and break-out sessions, plus lunch. More details to follow, but please plan to attend. It should be a great day! 
See you soon!
Martha Pint and Nancy Brown, Co-Presidents

Building a Resilient Wichita Series:
Indigenous Wisdom & Climate Change

Mid-American Indian Center
650 N Seneca St., Wichita, KS
April 1, 2023 2:00 PM-4:00 PM

This is a program of  Step by Step  featuring a presentation and facilitated conversation by Dr. Daniel Wildcat and Dr. Steve Lerner

More information HERE on our Facebook event page.

Experimental Treatments and the “Right To Try”
Tuesday March 28th
Advanced Learning Center, 711 W 2nd St N
(In-person event)

In 2018, the “Right to Try Act” was approved by Congress and written into law by the President. The "Right to Try" refers to laws and regulation that legally allow terminally ill patients the ability to pursue alternative and experimental treatments that have not completed the multi-phase FDA testing process. This program will explore the topic and feature Blake Benton from Coming Together for a Cure and Tiffany Schwasinger-Schmidt, an associate professor at the KU School of Medicine Wichita Campus and director of the KU Clinical and Translational Science Institute Frontiers Clinical Trials Unit.

Next Naturalization Ceremony
Mar. 24, 2023 - 11 am | Helping new citizens become registered voters is one of the more gratifying experiences as a  LWVW-M voter service volunteer. We would love for you to join us for the next ceremony. You can sign up here:
Volunteers are requested to arrive at 10:30 am. The ceremony is from 11am to noon at WSU Hughes Metropolitan Complex- Lowe Auditorium 5015 E. 29th Street North Wichita, Kansas.

Welcome New Member Lesa Lank! Again, we hope our members are taking advantage of the information on our website

Up at the upper right of the website home page there is a member log-on button. If you log on you can access additional member only information including our member directory.

We also hope each member checks off their interests for our database. We especially need people working in Voter Service for our League as well as Observers of our local elected bodies; City Council, County Commission and School Board and other Boards such as District Advisory Boards.

If you have questions about your membership, please contact one of the membership committees at

Each week our members receive a nonpartisan summary of what is happening in our state capital on behalf of a very unlikely crew of players. League of Women Voters of Kansas, Kansas Farmers Union, Kansas Natural Resource Council, Climate & Energy Project, Audubon of Kansas, and Friends of the Kaw. 


What is going on here?  Let dig deeper about what’s happening.


Each of these organizations core values include advocacy and sustainability.  Together, they are updating their respective supporters about legislation action to protect the environment in Kansas. This collaborative effort is helping to ensure the voices of these organizations are heard and the interests of the environment are represented in legislative decision-making.


Secondly, it is a call for us post-pandemic consumers to show up.  Knowledge is power.  Knowing what is happening in Topeka empowers individuals to become effective advocates for governmental sustainability. Some of the ways you can show up are as follows:

  • Connect with your representatives. Call. Mail is too slow.  Emails can be put aside. If you need to know who to call, the league of Women’s voters has your back. You can find out who are your representatives by visiting
  • Join one or more of the above organizations. They are doing good work and need your support.
  • Talk to your friends and neighbors about your concerns about the sustainability of our communities.  We have more in common about our desire for clean abundant water than which political party is in power.

We hope you open and read our weekly policy emails and become part of the collective voice for sustainability.


Check us out on Instagram and Twitter
Check our Events page here.
Keep current on developments through our Facebook Page
Find out more about what the League of Women Voters of Kansas is doing.
We welcome your feedback! Please contact the editor
Our previous issues of our newsletter are here.